Translation | arven.io

Translation | arven.io


The arvenio Translation plugin enables shop admins to translate shop content into their desired language using a chosen translation engine or AI model.

Quick links

Installation and configuration

The arvenio Translation plugin requires an API key for the chosen translation engine (e.g., DeepL, Google Translate, GPT). After entering the API keys, ensure they are functioning correctly by clicking the "Test API Connection" button.


To use the DeepL engine for translations, you need to create a DeepL API key. Follow the instructions here: DeepL Translate API | Machine Translation Technology. Once you have your API key, go to the Translate plugin configuration and enter the key.


After entering the API keys, ensure they are functioning correctly by clicking the "Test API Connection" button.

Base language

The Translate plugin always translates from the shop's base language, which is the definitive source. To identify your shop's base language, go to Settings → Shop → Languages. The base language will be marked with a green checkmark.

For example, if the base language is German (Deutsch), it will have a green checkmark next to it.



Translating content

Initial translation

In order to translate complete content please navigate to Extensions/Translate:



Start by selecting translation engine and target language to translate to:


Then hit desired operation. Operation might take a while (depending on the number of products/categories or properties). During this time the window must remain open.

Incremental translation of new or updated contents

After completing the initial translation, you might want to add new products or modify existing ones. You may also update categories or properties. In these cases, only the changes (new or modified products, categories, or properties) will be translated. Note that existing manual translations (those not translated by the arvenio Translation plugin) will not be re-translated.

Force translate

If you need to redo translations of products, properties, or categories, tick the checkbox shown below:


Be aware that this action will translate all content, including any translations you made manually.

Individual translations

You can either translate all of the products, categories or properties or you can translate them individually. In case you want to translate specific product please go to that product on the backend and navigate to translation tab:



Here you can select translation engine and target language.

Similar approach can be taken for individual category translation (look for Translation tab):


And for property:





A glossary allows you to define translations for specific words and short phrases. It consists of entries that pair a term in the source language (source text) with its desired translation (target text). Each glossary can contain multiple language pairs, helping to ensure consistency in translation across various languages.

Example for custom glossary item for context translated from Deutsch to English:


In some cases you might want to replace some words or phases in the translated contents. In order to make it so, shop admin can add “search and replace” glossary item.

Example with search and replace glossary item for contents translated to English:


In this case plugin will look for all occurances of “My translation” and replace it with “Search and replace text”.


Change log


  • First release with support for Shopware 6.6.x


  • First release with support for Shopware 6.5.x


  • First release with support for Shopware 6.4.x


In case you are experiencing issues, please try updating the plugin first.

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